Monday, October 29, 2012

Here I'm Safe

I can feel it whirling outside
Floorboards creak
And the mighty power surrounds me
But even when the lights are gone
And candles are our only light
I know I'm safe here.
Safe here, baking cookies
Fire in the hearth
Wind whirls outside,
hurls branches at us,
tries to blow us down like the big bad wolf (bad simile, I know, but it's funny and it's true).
But here I'm safe
Safe as I read poems,
listen to music,
drink hot cocoa.
Oh, outside there is a battle raging
Wind chimes clatter
Branches snap
Leaves scatter.
But here I'm safe.


  1. Replies
    1. Why, thank you! *takes a bow* Hold all your applause, PLEASE! *audience refuses to hold applause, throws roses, candy and anything of value at me in complete adoration*

  2. Ok, too far it's not THAAAAAAAAT good. And the big bad wolf bit IS CHEESY. So don't think I'm doing what you described in your comment.

    1. Hmmph. I'd like to see you post something better. My fans are booing you.
