Sunday, June 3, 2012

Amazing Tongue Twister!

Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. Oh, the wood that Wood would saw! One day Esau Wood saw a saw saw wood as no other woodsaw Wood ever saw would saw wood. Of all the woodsaws Wood ever saw saw wood, Wood never saw a woodsaw that would saw wood like the woodsaw Wood saw would saw wood. Now Esau Wood saws with that saw he saw saw wood.

See if you can understand it!

Esau is pronounced as: eesaw


  1. Actually, Esau is pronounced "ee-saw". And it's pretty easy to understand! Where did you find it?

  2. yeah, thats how long it took u to go on the site!

  3. Nope you are wrong. I found it on one of the power points I showed you. But since you refuse to go on them, I guess you are missing out. The author is unknown.

  4. I already watched five of them. I told you I would, didn't I?
