Friday, February 22, 2013

Rachel's Beginnings Poem

As February started its end,
My life started its beginning.
Born fresh and new,
A Pennsylvanian baby at Abington Hospital.
Brought out by my dad on a cold night at 11:00

I came right on schedule,
easy and ready to meet the world.
Mom says I was the easiest of the three
And in many ways I still am.

They all thought I was going to be a boy,
But I came out a girl, the only one.
Dad joked the name Naomi,
But mom took it seriously.
Dad saved the day with the name Rachel,
The name meant for my older brother
if he were a girl.

They got a baby as bald as a pumpkin,
With chubby cheeks like Jell-O,
And glassy eyes rimmed with blue
And dotted with green.
Who couldn’t; when she grew teeth,
Get her hands off apple
And when she sprouted long fingers,
Couldn’t stop tapping away at the piano.

They all say I was a perfect toddler.
Mom would say, “Don’t touch that Rachel.”
And I would say “ok mommy.”

And then a few months later
I sprouted hair.
Almost overnight,
A jungle of grass, weeds and flowers
Sprouted from my bare head
Tangling and wrapping around each other
Growing like reeds
As thick as the amazon,
with curls as blonde as the shining sun.

From the earliest I remember
Being in an apartment
On Valentines Day
Receiving a box of chocolates
And jumping up and down on the couch
in joy and happiness.
I said to myself “I will remember this forever”
And it seems I did.

Two years after my birth came another one.
A chubby little boy
Named Joey.
He made me a jealous kid.
Turned me into a little monster.
I was no longer the little angel,
but a screaming kid 24-7.
But after a few years or so,
It got better and now I am an easy kid again.

I have many relatives.
I have aunts and uncles.
On my dad’s side,
I have Aunties Steph, Grace, Barbra, Pauline, Gillian, Cynthia and Joy
I have Uncles Stockly, Robert, Roy, Dexter and John.
On my Mom’s side,
I have Ants Erico, Judy and Jenna
And Uncles Bobby and Donald

I will be twelve on February 26, 2013
And it will be a good one.
Imagine: twelve years from the beginning.


  1. It's good! But do you really think your eyes are glassy? That's not really a good thing.

  2. What? Glassy, like shiny and bright.

    1. Glassy usually means you have a glazed look--like you're not all there. Like a doll-you know? Their eyes are made of glass.
